Ava betrays Nina, she wants Sonny's affection ABC General Hospital Spoilers

Dante in Critical Condition

General Hospital is about to take a dramatic turn as a beloved character, Dante, finds himself in a life-or-death situation. After sustaining a

serious injury, doctors discover that Dante’s kidneys are severely damaged. A transplant is urgently needed to save his life.

The Pressure Mounts

The clock is ticking for Dante. Porsche, the doctor leading his treatment, understands the immense pressure on the medical team. Every second counts. While Dante battles for his life, his loved ones face a heart-wrenching decision – who will be the kidney donor?

Jason: A Controversial Choice

Jason emerges as a potential donor for Dante. This decision carries immense weight for Jason. He feels a strong sense of responsibility for Dante’s condition, knowing his actions indirectly contributed to the injury. Donating a kidney might be the only way to save Dante and a chance for redemption. Despite Jason’s past mistakes, this act could be a turning point, offering reconciliation between him and Dante.

Driven by Guilt?

Driven by guilt, Jason secretly undergoes testing to determine his compatibility as a donor. His primary concern is Dante’s well-being, hoping the surgery will be successful and Dante will recover. Will Jason ultimately be the match for Dante’s transplant?

Dex: A Chance for Atonement?

Dex also enters the picture as a potential donor for Dante. Donating his kidney could be a dual act – a humanitarian gesture and a chance to prove his loyalty to Sonny’s family. Dex hopes this will be a positive step towards overcoming past conflicts and strengthening his relationship with Sonny.

A Shocking Revelation

However, a shocking twist awaits Dex. He discovers a life-altering truth – Dante is his biological father! This revelation throws Dex into turmoil, especially considering their past confrontations. Will this newfound connection create complex emotions for Dex, or could it pave the way for a better understanding between him and Dante?

Sunny’s Dilemma

Sunny, caught in the middle, must grapple with accepting Dex, especially after learning he’s Dante’s son. Will this revelation change her perspective on Dex, or will she remain hesitant?

Cody: A Friend in Need

Another contender for kidney donation is Cody. Despite not being related to Dante by blood, their friendship has grown strong over time. Witnessing Dante’s struggle, Cody feels compelled to do whatever he can to help. His willingness to sacrifice a kidney reflects the depth of their bond and his genuine care for Dante. This selfless act could be a turning point in their friendship, solidifying their connection.

The suspense builds…

As the search for a compatible donor continues, viewers are left on the edge of their seats. Will Jason’s guilt compel him to donate? Will Dex’s newfound connection with Dante influence his decision? Or will Cody’s unwavering friendship lead him to make the ultimate sacrifice?

Tune in to General Hospital to find out who will step forward and become Dante’s life-saving hero!

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